
Welcome to our blog as we share about our special journey, sponsored by the wonderful folks at Fulbright. We will be visiting Mexico from June 9th to July 7th, 2012. Our group includes 7 practicing teachers, 7 undergraduates (soon-to-be teachers), and two teacher education faculty. Along with my brave bilingual scholar, Maria Zamudio, we will lead the group as we spend 4 weeks in south-central Mexico. We will be learning about the Mexican educational system along with important social, political, and historical issues in Mexico.

The majority of our time will be spent in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. All of the participants will be living with host families and taking Spanish language classes at CETLALIC, a spectacular language school in Cuernavaca. We will also be taking trips to the following cities: Taxco, Tepoztlan, Puebla, and Mexico City.

Visit our blog to stay up-to-date on our adventures and lessons learned! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tuesday June 17th...a very busy day!!

Hola a todos!!

On Tuesday, June 19th, we had a day full of activities!  Early in the morning we took the bus to a rural school just outside of Cuernavaca.  Valentin Gomez Farias is a public, rural, elementary school.  Melanie and I observed in a 4th and 5th grade classrooms.  We were especially impressed with the 5th grade teacher.  It is her first year in the school however she seemed very informed about the community and the students.  She had a great relationship with all of the students and kept them engaged in their work.  Students were working on a summary of a story.  A few of the children even came and asked us to read what they had written.  The Fulbright group was very moved by the visit to this school and really loved it.  The kids were great and we excited to practice their English!

After class, we had a testimony of a women from Guatemala who migrated to Mexico at a young age.  She has two names, one being her real name and one being a name that she had to adopt when she came to Mexico illegally.  She was also forced to lie about her heritage and where she came from.  Her and her husband came to Mexico for a better life.  Along with fake names they had to lie and say they were part of an indigenous group in Mexico.  Their children however were able to have their real names since they were born in Mexico.  After many years, they were able to visit Guatemala however it wasn’t the experience they were hoping for.  People were not very accepting of them because they chose to leave the country where they were from.  Her family members were very happy to see her but they were nervous because they could get in trouble with the law if officials found out that they were housing them there.  They would love to return to Guatemala to live the rest of their lives but feel obligated to stay in Mexico because their children were born here.  This testimony was very moving and eye opening for many of us.  There are so many people in Mexico that have to leave their families to go to the United States for better wages.  Families get torn apart and relationships are harder to maintain with the distance and time.

After lunch a few of us spent our free afternoon celebrating Suzy’s birthday with a cake and going to the circus.  The circus had all kinds of animals including leopards, jaguars, monkeys, a hippo, a bull, donkeys, horses, elephants, alpacas, and camels.  It was a great time!

Becca and Melanie

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