
Welcome to our blog as we share about our special journey, sponsored by the wonderful folks at Fulbright. We will be visiting Mexico from June 9th to July 7th, 2012. Our group includes 7 practicing teachers, 7 undergraduates (soon-to-be teachers), and two teacher education faculty. Along with my brave bilingual scholar, Maria Zamudio, we will lead the group as we spend 4 weeks in south-central Mexico. We will be learning about the Mexican educational system along with important social, political, and historical issues in Mexico.

The majority of our time will be spent in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. All of the participants will be living with host families and taking Spanish language classes at CETLALIC, a spectacular language school in Cuernavaca. We will also be taking trips to the following cities: Taxco, Tepoztlan, Puebla, and Mexico City.

Visit our blog to stay up-to-date on our adventures and lessons learned! Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Be careful when you say, "pan de ajo" in Mexico.  I accidentally cussed at the pizza server yesterday. :)  I also should stress that "las grocerias" is not a cognate in spanish.  I learned that lesson too.

Word mishaps aside, we are tired, happy, and learning a lot during our first few days in Cuernavaca!  Please keep an eye out for upcoming posts from participants!


  1. Beth - I think you should trademark this new pizza name. It's fantastico!

    Glad to hear you all made it down there ok - looking forward to reading the blogs.

    Hope the filming is going well too!


  2. Hahahaha! As we are starting to feel settled, I think filming will get going! We will keep you updated!
