
Welcome to our blog as we share about our special journey, sponsored by the wonderful folks at Fulbright. We will be visiting Mexico from June 9th to July 7th, 2012. Our group includes 7 practicing teachers, 7 undergraduates (soon-to-be teachers), and two teacher education faculty. Along with my brave bilingual scholar, Maria Zamudio, we will lead the group as we spend 4 weeks in south-central Mexico. We will be learning about the Mexican educational system along with important social, political, and historical issues in Mexico.

The majority of our time will be spent in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. All of the participants will be living with host families and taking Spanish language classes at CETLALIC, a spectacular language school in Cuernavaca. We will also be taking trips to the following cities: Taxco, Tepoztlan, Puebla, and Mexico City.

Visit our blog to stay up-to-date on our adventures and lessons learned! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sunday June 10th 2012
¡Bienvenidos a Cuernavaca!
It`s our first full day in Cuernavaca Mexico for the Fulbright through Illinois State University. We are all excited to be here and are already experiencing the culture. At 10:00 A.M. we started our walking tour from the school to the town square called "Él Zocalo". We had two awesome tour guides, Francisco and Jorge. Francisco lead the group and spoke Spanish while Jorge was translating in the back of the line. We saw the town square with lots of activity. There were vendors selling everything from jewelry to juice. It was definitely the heart of the city.
Our first stop was in "El Jardín Borda". The interesting looking hut is actually a replica of ancient corn storage! It is very much like a silo. El Jardín Borda was beautiful with sprawling grounds that included many fountains and a lake with row boats. A tidbit from Jorge revealed that Maximillan and Carlota had once stayed in the huge estate.
Our next stop was "El Catedral de Cuernavaca". This gigantic church was beautiful and the Sunday services were standing room only. Our tour guide Jorge told us about the history of the church and how integral faith has been for this city.
Finally we walked back to the square and looked at the "Palacio de Cortes". We did not have time today to go inside, but inside there is a museum which has is dedicated to the local history.
We got just a taste of the city and are so excited to see more!
¡Nos vemos!

-Amy P. & Jill

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